Thursday, June 23, 2011

Thoughtful Thursday Craft

How To Make RainbowCupcakes that makeanyone's day brighter!!

( For 1 batch / 24 cupcakes: )

What you will need for one batch(..although easily doubled..):
*1 pack WHITE cake mix
*1 and 1/3 water
*2 tablespoons of veggie oil
*6 plastic beer cups (you can use bowls that you have~if you don't mind them covered in food dye)
*Food coloring. You really only need a pack that contains the primary colors of the rainbow. That's Red, Blue, and Yellow, kids. See? All those art classes paid off ;0)
*A few toothpicks
*Sprinkles/ Icing colors of your choice.


*Preheat your oven between 325- to 350 degrees. I lowered the temperture about 10 degrees less than the cake mix instructions, so as NOT TO BROWN THE EDGES of the cupcakes:) Especially if you have a dark nonstick cupcake pan. Who wants a muddy colored rainbow?

*Mix your wet ingredients together with your dry ingredients.
*Divide your delicious batter into your bowls (or in my fav- your plastic beer cups-so easy!) equally.
*Now you are going to dye your batter. It's easier than you think, don't be scared:)
(Note: Orange NOT pictured above)

**Red = Red
**Blue = Blue
**Yellow = Yellow
**Orange = Add yellow first, keep adding red until it's vibrant, but not overly red.
**Green = Add yellow first, add a little more and more blue until you get a vibrant green color.
**Purple = purple is the trickiest. Add EQUAL parts of both Blue and Red or it can start to look REALLY murkey.Purple will look more like itself once baked, however refer to my pictures to see what your should come close to resembling.

**Now you are going to line your cupcake pans with the cups. I HIGHLY reccomened that you use foil. Or, in my case, because I wanted to use the pretty flower shaped paper cups, i double lined them. Placing the foil cup on the outside of the papercup. When they were finished cooking, I threw out the foil liners.

**Spoon in the colors, layer by layer. VERY GENTLY.
*Here is the order that I spooned them in(feel free to mix it up, but I kept the darker colors on the bottom in case of browning):
**1st: Purple
**2nd: Blue
**3rd: Green
**4th: Yellow
**5th: Orange
**6th: Red

*Bake according to directions on box, remembering to turn the heat down if you have a dark pan.

*Decorate and ENJOY!